Contacting landlords

August 25, 2009

Just to make it clear how to contact me.  You can email me on or phone 07887703520.  These are the best two ways to get hold of me.  This applies to all tenants and prospective tenants.

Installation of sky

August 8, 2009

The tenants in one of our flats has decided to decline our offer of BT broadband and wants to install Sky.  The appointment was duly made but because this is a lower ground floor flat and has a special render I had my electrician on site to supervise the installation and to do the internal wiring at my expense.  The first time they came , the sky men hummed and haaed and then said they were going to get their equipment and were never seen again.  The second time – my electrician was on site- they failed to turn up.  The third time they said the building was too tall.  The fourth time a different special tall- building sky team came and they said the building was still too tall.   The saga continues.