It will soon be the end of term

November 27, 2008

This is the time students at Manchester University and Manchester Metropolitan University are trying to sort out who will be living with whom next year.  I hardly seems that the term has began as you have to start thinking about next year.  So do look on our website and see the choice of properties to rent.  Ring or email Louise if you have any enquiries.

Confirmation of which properties are available

November 19, 2008

I have just emailed all my current tenants to ask if they want to stay in the same property for the next academic year.  Yes – it is unbelievable that we are already thinking of tenancies for student in the year 09/10.  The current year seems only to have just started.  So soon it will be clear which properties will be available and I will make this clear on the Manchester Lettings website as soon as I have the information.

New rents

November 13, 2008

We have made a big change this year.  We no longer divide the annual rent into 12 equal portions but now have half rent in July and August.  The result is that it looks like the rents have increased enormously but NO they have not.  It is just the allowance for the half rent for two months.  We hope that this will help our student tenants to manage their finances.

Website ready for new lettings

November 11, 2008

The Manchester Lettings website has now been updated for renting for the academic year 2009/2010.  Students looking to rent go to the Manchester Lettings website and pick the property that they want.  As priority is given tenants currently living in properties I will not know definitely which properties are available for another few weeks.  If you are interested in any property give Louise a call (number on the website) and I will discuss it with you.

All properties taken until June 2009

November 6, 2008

All the Manchester Lettings properties are rented and occupied at the moment and none will come available until June 2009.

We do get booked up quite far in advance because our properties are affordable and good quality.

But please don’t let that put you off. Please contact us and we would be happy to discuss availability and offer you some advice.


November 6, 2008

Welcome to the Manchester Lettings official blog.

We will post content here whenever there is any news regarding our properties in Manchester, such as when any become available for rent.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.